Praying The Psalms: Full Set Vol 1-5
Experience Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based Prayer every day. Have you hit a wall in your prayer life? Is it time to move beyond the traditions that may not be working for you?
Praying The Psalms will give you a new approach to prayer that is Biblical and life-giving. You will find yourself praying with greater consistency and fervor as you learn to...
Follow the pattern Jesus commanded for His disciples.
Enjoy the rich and inspired treasure of the Psalms.
Seek God's face before you seek His hand.
Experience the transforming power of praying biblical passages
Praying The Psalms: Volumes 1-5 of the Psalms and includes Psalms 1-150. Each Psalm includes a helpful summary along with a biblical guide for prayer. Our companion Prayer Journal is also available to further deepen your walk with Christ.
General Editor: Daniel Henderson.
With Contributions from:Justin Jeppesen—National Director, 6:3 Discipleship, St. Paul, MN
Dennis Henderson—National Director, 6:4 Fellowship, Lago Vista, TX
Len Crowley—International Director, 6:4 Fellowship, Monument, CO
S. Lindsay Taylor—President, Strategic Renewal Canada
Jeremiah Porter—Pastor, Christ’s Community Church, Granite Falls, WA
Aaron Telecky—Pastor, Maranatha Bible Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
Jeremiah Porter—Pastor, Christ’s Community Church, Granite Falls, WA
Aaron Telecky—Pastor, Maranatha Bible Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
Patrick Jones-Lead Pastor, Eastern Hills Wesleyan Church, Williamsville, NY
Paul Meldrum-Pastor, Flagstaff Bible Church, Flagstaff, AZ
Mack Roller-Pastor, Glen Meadows Baptist Church, San Angelo, TX
Mike Mitchener—Pastor, Riverview Baptist Church, Ripplemead,VA
Mike Moran—Pastor, Creekside Evangelical Free Church. Merced, CA
Mike Moran—Pastor, Creekside Evangelical Free Church. Merced, CA
Sandy Robertson—Pastor, New Covenant Fellowship, Titusville, FL