Praying The Psalms: The Complete Volume - All 150 Psalms in a Single Book
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Experience Scripture-fed, Spirit-led, Worship-based Prayer every day. Have you hit a wall in your prayer life? Is it time to move beyond the traditions that may not be working for you?
Follow the pattern Jesus commanded for His disciples.
Enjoy the rich and inspired treasure of the Psalms.
Seek God's face before you seek His hand.
Experience the transforming power of praying biblical passages
When our staff saw the prototype, someone called it “The Original Hymnal.” Though the Book of Psalms itself has that rightful title, what a great addition to your "pew Bible" this resource would be!
Imagine your congregation reaching for this volume to pray as one body from the book of Psalms.
Would you like your church logo on the front? There are a few customizable features to this volume, including adding your Church logo to the cover, as well as customizing the first few pages with a message or statement from the elders or the pastor. For custom options email Len Crowley at the (minimum order required).
General Editor: Daniel Henderson.
With Contributions from:Justin Jeppesen—National Director, 6:3 Discipleship, St. Paul, MN
Dennis Henderson—National Director, 6:4 Fellowship, Lago Vista, TX
Jeremiah Porter—Pastor, Christ’s Community Church, Granite Falls, WA
Aaron Telecky—Pastor, Maranatha Bible Church, Cedar Rapids, IA
Mike Moran—Pastor, Creekside Evangelical Free Church. Merced, CA